Thursday, October 29, 2009


今天发生了一件事情- 我正在有一点害怕,心很乱,觉得自己有一点无聊,而且是听了那个人说完话以后才变成这样。你有可能会问,为什么有这种感觉?我自己都不知道为什么, 有可能我还是很爱他,不过那是没有可能的事情。我们的恋情早就破裂了,没有可能回头。今天,听到他有新的女朋友, 心是有一点痛,不过好才我有 congratulate 他们,如果没有- 我真得会觉得自己很小家和不大方。不过是我自己不要他的,不可能怪人家找新的伙伴。有一天我会找到我的 "soulmate", 一定好过他的。明天就是新的一天,要忘记他啦!

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Oh Cilla...
Well... I guess this definitely means he's moved on, so at least you don't have to feel guilty anymore, but I guess you just need to remind yourself that you're basically happier without him. You've been back to your bright, bubbly self ever since you ended the relationship, but I think in a way it's made you stronger and wiser, too. Right now, though, you just need to focus on the present and get through exams.
xox Sarah